Becoming a Lego Piece

There comes a point in time that we chose to multiply our time and the only way to do that is to become a lego set. Imagine yourself as a lego piece: completely become individual components so you can subtract your time and expertise.

You can become a lego piece by learning what part of yourself you can make it repeatable & scalable.

Go beyond the usual and see what you can publish for fun or find a intersection with your daily job and start replacing yourself.

Below are my ever growing set of resources you can use & refer to grow your career in design, product & no-code.


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I'm in the process of consolidating all my created resources. Come back to see more resources being added.

Last Updated on: 31 Dec 2022

Courses & Guides

I'm learning how to share my knowledge consistently and in that effort i've launched a number of courses, guides, etc for anyone getting started in design or no-code.

Nocode 360

Learn how to make your business ideas into reality using no-code in no time by building 15+ Business ready ideas.

Frugal MVP

Ship your business idea, start validating with your customers and earn your first dollar from it.

Nocode Discovery

19 Free Lessons that will help you with No-Code and it's vast landscape of 180+ Tools.

Carrd Product Intensive (CPI)

An intensive and in-depth course on launching your products, websites and more using Carrd. You will not just learn about Carrd but also many integrations you can add to ship a product.

Equity Calculator

In collaboration with EquityList (by, we bring you this episode which gives you the basics of ESOPs, Tax structure in India & some must knows.

Podcasts & Youtube

I learn how to create a time-machine for common questions, thoughts and speak to industry leaders to get you those answers.

The Hireworthy Podcast

Demystify your career in design and product management.
A few things don't come with a user’s manual. One of them is your product career. Hireworthy helps you maximize the precious 7000 days of your life-time that you typically spend on your career. There's no better way to start this journey than having real & realistic conversations.

Nocoloco - Youtube

One of the only channel that focuses on No-Code from India. You can learn how to launch your idea with No-Code or understand the careers of No-Code through our vast library of 50+ Case Studies.

Products & Templates

Learning how to make many lego blocks and shapes to come up with more combinations for fun & productivity.

Product Design Audits

Get a comprehensive audit report for your products so you can get fixing them right away.

More than 70+ templates for Carrd, Notion and Webflow in one place.

Templates of Carrd

Well designed Carrd Templates for multiple domains, contexts and completely responsive.

Notion Templates

Use these templates to setup your notion systems in less than 50% of the time.

The Design Vitamins Newsletter

Join 4000+ Curious Designers who receive their weekly vitamins in this newsletter curated to energise your product design career. No Blind curation, everything found within context.

Subscribe Now

Ⓒ Madhuri 2024

Last Updated: Jun 2024